
Thursday, September 11, 2003

hi I'm Bao Dai, the simple way of melting. logical aliens invest and they will require more printing. then the sequence in which time slays a turgid dragon, the rhyme scheme of residence. no one buys that listening. we're old in 'that way' and we whip out margins, by which we can construct a past. the future is hopeless, too well informed by past mistakes. BUT Vietnam is something slight and cool, even with tonnage. bombs as musty figurines in the night sky, and downward proximities until, landed, extreme sense, what's the opposite of colour? no doubt our lives are Iraq or Afghanistan. something fizzes, a Titan. something fierce and numinous, a fretwork piano, a taste of dolour, or treat. or here's my anniversary. numbers gain time, and flags are garnished. fluffed wind, the meories render, and it's a chill factor. wake easy, tho. a willing war all the way.

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