
Saturday, July 31, 2004

YOUR tremendous lariat came into my yard willing to exceed, and here's a limit. I said hey, watch your increment, the suet in the feeder, there's a day tied involved with nigh. you could stare at the facts and bring out the cuurent guns. what is this place, that you should know so much?

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this colour on such a drop of hill, then a total mess. last year's rocketship in this year's sky. working angels getting out of town. did the Democats purposefully fulfill any dimension yet untold to humankind? New York kisses the Republican effort in the same fucking direction.

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Friday, July 30, 2004

the big Boston reading in Cambridge* 

super into moment, Captain Instant as charged. the story so far: we went to a bar in Waltham where the beer makes you tremble into explaining, about hops and the Charles River and someday. thus Captain Instant and it's almost proven. except that that was soome 'other' day, tho good beer, not addressing the child's errors or fulfilling duties in life. and the plain fact, that somebody somewhere, writing formal entreaties without a language to control, begins anyway without the slightest class intake. and the further story rises to completion by a set of non variables that cannot even [fill the blank]. I am not at all in Cambridge near Boston reading richly, but that the slide engulfs even to say there is time, somewhere. being envious, they had to convoke a distribution rising from their own needs to be heard. someone wrote 'these' words in the meantime. oddly even, all.

*reference to, etc...

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Thursday, July 29, 2004

a lot of that is drunk under a bridge, finding Democrats to spill, news at the Charles forever, a criminal action under quarantine, and other vents. ridiculous poets have involved a knife and saying. saying is eased because bigwig power brokers and not only. say it is wild about the attitude in nations these days. say it has principal and for crying out loud. say there is thunder associated with bricks landing in the street or yard, near you in interest. say it is blood on the carpet sort of saying Iraqi see minute while there is still time. say it over the rain beating new topic over again. spot response now.

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cat's in the ocean of waiting on the floor. some New Jersey thinking goes over the sand. it reaches an alien past, makes you think. if those grey waves are untempered, and Homer sure knew what he was talking about, then these 100 yards may not be enough protection. because it is a rainy day, and Democrats are not Republicans, at least on the outside. the cat, tho, 1968 perhaps, lots of feedback, funny Kool-Aid, and Time Magazine arrives with the full story. it seems that 'our' troops invaded Iraq for Iraq's own good, and freedom, and oil reserves, and other notations that will be organized later. my wife's in bed right now.

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Wednesday, July 28, 2004

hail to thee blithe spirit of the event!!! 

meltproof examination of motive clearance runs against the marble language gulf, which stands for ambitious treats, the kind mom and dad invented on your other birthday, that day when you were okayed, stable, fond of chocolate cake and action, prepared to enjoy a good baking, proud of the next fundraiser, instilled with a nursery full of lambasting others, qualified as no one has ever been qualified, holding the ball, outstanding in all things needing outstandingness, and more: surely you have taken the rung from the bell and from the ladder, quickly intending to mean even more

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-------------- Posted by Hello

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these aliens float above Democratic National Convention. and the Republicans too will see that day. the mild is proof, a standard of revision. such angels as can gladly fly to possible endings of great sensations, over war zones including you, and tell the day and after: all those yearlings popping suddenly into view, all those awesome tributes collecting on the floor with chairperson written in terms: these are the mobile heroes to run to. now begins the flickering fight, not so bad but all in words. what language remains will have to hold...us...

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Monday, July 26, 2004

if I were Langue Pope 

a blank start of a stare, until the cream of alien youth reach the prow of the spaceship that will push thru spacious inference into the fully inferred unknown and... human possibility produces gummy effects. a rainstorm as big as guessing. troop ships leaving here for there seem like smirks. risk a bundle on ad hiominem umpires, the river rises with too much rain and not enough planning. Risky Business, Inc, my home until now starts to pall. all this eager action wants a point, in language dated as current as production costs will allow. such business dealings can only be only for now, our trust and go to.

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scant Posted by Hello

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Sunday, July 25, 2004

re solve 

here is plain information. it delivers you to the party where X and Y are starting 'things'. X is extremely, and you all know Y. X frequents revolution and also frequents telling you. Y has season, and it's all plain. when we get togetehr, we meaning they, it is a plum. while you forget, we, meaning they, try along lines. their's is a language, or close enough. frequently their words are bull and cow, sort of pictured, sort of dramatic, sort of out of the door real quick. sometimes their language all that narrative. and we're simple, listening, what the hell kind of party is this? so then it has to be revolution with a capital YOU, which is less than calming and look at the hours before dawn. well, there are other things in the air, no kidding, and interesting. screw X and Y, let's try this beer.

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made a perfect alien by thinking here's the land assault. here's the small brave Hollywood troop coming ashore with brave contagion and not a chance. and thus revealed so logically that the enemy will walk over. and this gun in hand, it really sentences a few. your paragraph fits here, some of the time, at least. cheer the brave heroes and death, all together for a time. your Iraq and Vietnam times trust a figure divided by every president and their wives. how's your fraction? how's mine, when it comes to that.

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boston skyline Posted by Hello

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memory shift Posted by Hello

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saturday afternoon Posted by Hello

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