Saturday, May 08, 2004
events prove doctor, which tortures our tempest and upwards of, in a round minute, producing oodles of somewhat refreshing, tho we cannot say why, a practive to engage while waiting for shit happens, this isn't quite right yet it's about the air in here, out there is different in the name of sameness, those people arrive late or not at all, we talk of flowers over river into clouds: forbidding now and then the details: more than 40%
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40% is even enough. stats fall in place, a loop around some miracle sun. when added to the clearing, all that tramping sound goes from forest to the cottage to the edge of something else. there were tortures on the eve, and broken spent could be a theory, but now the stats stay flat before us. the aliens invented time, and the measure thereof. when we learned to learn, we had could a been a much. 40% which is like, and we hadn't begun to talk. 40% like a death rate, tax rate, something peculiar in the numbers. hopeful practice gives a circus colour, call out to your friends. in 40% and read it, weeping too when thru the magazine. the aliens tell the sentries everything, these days.
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Friday, May 07, 2004
it works, it places cat on floor, it listen to hurry at least 40% off, it stops and then until, it shapes an army made lax, torture hasn't been there, dogs aren't over with, pieces aren't together, stopping doesn't fly, but it works, it gives grave image, it sports a topic, it donates at a time, it scratches into, it spaces on the time, it reverence in the morn, it spies an envelope, it reads of Hardy Boys, it shares a traipse, it means Kit Carson, it alerts vengeance, it certain after all
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Thursday, May 06, 2004
there's a sport detail rising in cloud facing the world needing Civil War heroes and avuncular presidential whims or patience collecting in hallways words likenether and broach cruising into sentences that are merely spoke but not roughly intimated: how does an alien in such then say something while still distance from the mean?
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Wednesday, May 05, 2004
all factions relate they care, as beams from the ship mood over. we begin a clam, or shakes of telling all. the whole fits on top of filling the moment last of all. then a generation tip, faster still than lightbeams over horizonal map procedure. ours being what we can, and theirs similar, who can send out more exact care after all, as timeless as can be? a tradition filled with torpedoes, which will hit the hull in minutes. are those minutes shared?
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Monday, May 03, 2004
your saxophone in the gentle wade
the front condition remorseful agent
adjective embassy à la declarative
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the front condition remorseful agent
adjective embassy à la declarative
my least goes
fortune. a deliberate
said late find.
no scansion over
the literate
create a telephone,
and this is the plan:
run away run away.
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fortune. a deliberate
said late find.
no scansion over
the literate
create a telephone,
and this is the plan:
run away run away.
Sunday, May 02, 2004
further adventure disguised as national. wouldn't mind weird compulsion if true caulking of symbol. bought the form in a moment. let go as was needed. the aliens are close and word. which word exactly steals overdose. they react cleverly when tying knots. then it's a mystery, utmost national. now we soon.
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we don't have religion, we have a big hoop. we have the circle certain around suns and more. that's okay and inside. we take a hoop, break open our eyes, and the change never becomes a document. even if a document lasts into the sun, we are only days. we have no religion, a vice squad walks the street. a vice squad watches television with real time. time isn't better than tomorrow, only in relief. we have time to read the hoop, because it changes more satisfying, pays us much. this is the plan, as we read of aliens in our bathtub. our years aren't careful, only lavish hoops to spill into. our season hasn't mellow or a bell in time, just a reaction while we wait. this and other things could change a minute, only you.
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