
Saturday, January 03, 2004

cane raiment from far away. aspect war policy blots alien return. angels scrub for new hub bub. transit quarry elects new nemesis. chirping honk stirs molecular down trodden. runt leaves cool espresso. polity rainbow scrams with weather.

mundane poem ham up.

scrawl on floor a 'desperate measure'.

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Friday, January 02, 2004

rectify smudge in sincerity
apply word choice to festival sentence
match daydream with comet
squirrel away hi fi policy
sound better while leaving
open door to rum gaze
steal a shock troop engine
engage in planet parcel
move the cat aspect
stem the tight
lessen more

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Thursday, January 01, 2004

just too generous
tho taken
but control
falls away
as a ritual
and words claim
territory (this
isn't fair!)
a parting
and valedictory
the forces
spin new wars
from old ones
turns in the
air commas
in sentences
verbs next to
adjectives parting
from period piece
West Virginia
lost to smear
angels leaving
tremours in space
tired fading
while the climate
documents drawn up
and careers minded
spirit caress
while compassion
opens bluer space
to while

shedding praxis
in given dent
on slightest happened

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Wednesday, December 31, 2003

this is a poem
land, you grunt
taking garbage to
the dormer, I
said angels
when I meant
Mexican food
or sundry
Irish jigs
or the colour
after black
divided by
Christmas tree or
patience, you
see the
fade and collection
with 'my'
name appropriated
not an alien or
angel and
elves scramble with
tactile longing
but you see
the kind march
and effect
wearing a year or
timid nature
when glory
springs from
words or
you expect
to read
delight and
the next word

this work
brings sentences
to work

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trying time 

it is a modest 10:15 'or so'. people are went, and have been car bomb. not here in middle earth (the gumption to say so) but there, the thought of losing. winning is a goal, I am a very proud noun. my version of what happened went like this, goes like this and will sound like something else again. in deference to nation and it is the end of a year (who made this year?), I place nothing where nothing was. so is my sentiment. at 10:18 there is marginal change. she wants happiness, doesn't want suffering. a car bomb hastens. an alien strikes out Mordor, which came into happening, and I went twice to see. the aliens and elves got together. the war is a bit moist. see years go. see friends as murk. see books assault, then fade, then you see the movie. the movie wants a puppy. you want a home. they want a tree in their backyard. they understand yard and are hungry. they are fields. you would be too. we are towns. others are roadways. 10:21 means something somewhere. so does the next town in sequence. verbs are merry partners. a poem is a collision. several poems are several collisions. an angel rides away from Baghdad, into the year 2004. that's what 10:24 is like. names fall away. movement answers. words favour flowers.

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Tuesday, December 30, 2003

late tally 

battered by business decisions, the cold season saw elves (eleves?) climb the thoroughly at roughly 4:31. the race was on. factories full of sentries rendered incapable blue over mean stata of concern. rockets were everywhere, almost personable in the way of logs. cunning provoked cunning, without acceding to no deposit/no return theory. it was the edge of many things, like aliens at their best. an inquest into 'what happened' in Vietnam centred on program. the race was on. we got Saddam, chortled the one and the many, a chorus plop on the doorstep. sanction took West Virginia. the old year rocked. 'they' want happiness, don't want suffering. the cold season saw elves, eleves, elevators. the cold season spat out the remains, the Ramones, the REM sleep. other functions would work better 'later'.

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Monday, December 29, 2003

ruffle in your airport commander while we wreak havoc as per imperial orders or what we read lately you go smart onto the rice paddy or oil rig as we read something about another thing that remains and if you and your traffic meet our traffic and gulch a full explanation will happen copy that commander

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Sunday, December 28, 2003

equal, that is, to the reel itself 

the annual Allen written so far produces tension in strata as yet unheard. these alien concerns are Allen, equal to anything by which Allen, in name or not so. these are the finest 'expressions' to date of simple expressions to date. note the cool influx and parity, like a game ball from a severe NFL victory. such 'poems' make a time machine, or glass bleeds true bead, as thorough going as pleases 'Allen'. not alien avast me hearty, not alien William Shatner or aNTHONY kIEDIS, nor even the last time, but a battering ram sentence or production number, big. annual Allen and into daze features a trial by blurring. yes says a lot, but aliens aren't barnacles on a clever ship. instead they produce news from the 'abode'. more news will arrive with stark 'HUSSEIN' and know it all. you climb in. you sink fast. you want to be a hobbit!!!

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you stump fault
random pall with
over shell makes
gaining symptom
sparkle thrall
in pressure builds
the looser prayed was
vestige state
a place of divers
longing small

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